Sunday liquor law proposals could shut pubs

Hotels and taverns in the Bunbury area could be closed if the State Government’s proposed changes to the Liquor Control Act are passed, according to the Australian Hotels Association.
Among the proposed changes is a measure which will allow all liquor stores in regional centres to trade on Sundays.
Only liquor stores attached to hotels and taverns are allowed to trade on Sundays under the existing Liquor Control Act.
AHA WA chief executive officer Bradley Woods said country hotels and taverns would struggle to compete with major supermarket liquor stores if the measure passed.
“The Government proposal to allow trading for major regional centre liquor stores may force regional accommodation and food and beverage hotel bottle shops to close, ” he said.
“The AHA has strongly advocated against this measure simply because WA small businesses do not have the capacity to compete with major supermarket liquor stores.”
Mr Woods said many hotels relied on their bottle shops to support other services.
“In many towns the pub’s bottle shop sales keep the accommodation and food and beverage services of a hotel viable, ” he said.
“It is hotels like the Rose that this measure will affect should it go ahead.”
Eaton Tavern manager Vicki Skraha said the Sunday trade from its bottle shop helped it compete with liquor stores at the Eaton Fair complex.
“We do a good trade on Sunday and of course it helps us that BWS isn’t open on Sunday,” she said.
“It supplements your sales for the week.
“When we have the added competition of a Coles Liquor it’s obviously going to impact on us and everybody else that’s in the same boat.”
Mrs Skraha said another proposed change to extend trading hours for pubs until midnight on Sundays would not be enough to compensate for the deregulation of liquor store trading hours.
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