The West Australian exclusive

Mt Lawley father David Williams among fans to score $20k handout from Drake at Wednesday’s RAC Arena gig

Headshot of Zach Margolius
VideoA Mt Lawley family were one of two groups of fans at Drake's second RAC Arena show to be awarded $20k by the rapper.

Mt Lawley father David Williams has been “converted” to a lifelong Drake fan after the Canadian rapper turned his family’s price of RAC Arena admission into a $20,000 payday on Wednesday night.

During the second of two Perth performances to launch his Australian tour, the star paused his set to heap praise on locals for buying tickets to “come and see little old me from Toronto, Canada”.

Scanning the unsuspecting crowd, the five-time Grammy winner pointed to an eye-catching contingent waving his national flag before scouting for homegrown supporters and landing on Mr Williams’ family.

Spotlighting both parties with the help of his production crew, the rapper revealed his surprise giveaway.

“For both y’all, I’m going to give you $20,000 to go wherever you want in the world,” he said.


Convinced to attend the concert by his 14-year-old son Stephen — who is “a massive fan” — the 54-year-old lawyer roped in his girlfriend Coco Flynn, 49, and her daughter Morgane, 16.

He recalled his family’s attempts to catch the star’s gaze.

“My son was standing on the chair going crazy, because he really likes the guy, and I was doing my best to make eye contact,” he told PerthNow.

David Williams and his son Stephen were among the recipients of a Perth $20k giveaway at RAC Arena on Wednesday night.
Camera IconDavid Williams and his son Stephen were among the recipients of a Perth $20k giveaway at RAC Arena on Wednesday night. Credit: David Williams

“Then he picked the four of us out, because it was clear we were together.”

The father said he wasn’t even rocking a Drake shirt or sporting hip-hop gear, instead opting for a white T-shirt, shorts and thongs due to the heat.

Video captured by Mr Williams’ family expressed the unbridled joy written on their faces as Drake delivered the good news.

He said his son’s phone “lit up like a Christmas tree” shortly afterwards as friends in the crowd had seen them projected onto the large RAC Arena screens.

The father managed to trade details with Drake’s team as the set continued, receiving a text later that evening from the rapper’s manager confirming further contact would be made regarding payment.

Such fortune had “never ever happened to me in my life ever,” Mr Williams said, with his next biggest haul coming via a $55 Lotto- ticket win.

While he’s still basking in the glow of his family’s fortune, friends and colleagues have teased that others might be more suitable beneficiaries.

“I’ve just been copping s--t saying ‘I don’t deserve it’, ‘somebody else should get it’, ‘I should donate it to charity’, and all these other things,” he joked. “You’re all just jealous that he picked me!”

The father has considered a potential plan to spend the cash that may bring a full-circle conclusion to the evening.

Having been to Europe once, just last month, and barely travelled abroad outside of that, it’s a solution that may suit the entire family.

“We’re probably going to have a holiday or something, and I was coming up with the idea of when Drake plays somewhere else internationally, going there and seeing him,” Mr Williams said.

“And texting the manager saying, ‘We’ve used it, how about some decent seats?’ Something like that, and see what he does.”

Previously uninitiated to Drake’s extensive back catalogue, which includes 18 albums and dozens of other projects and collaborations, the father said he’s become a fan for life.

“I’ve been listening to the songs now afterwards and I didn’t have a clue before that, so there you go, I’ve been converted,” he declared.

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