Your horoscope for Friday, July 26, 2024

Sudhir DeanThe West Australian
Camera IconRead what your zodiac sign predicts for your day. Credit: Supplied


March 21-April 20


The Moon has moved into Aries, restoring that piece of your mojo that has recently gone missing. Wear it lightly.



April 21-May 21


You’ve had your foot on the throttle. Life has been right behind you. The moment has changed. Lay back now.


May 22-June 21


Mars is emboldening you. If there are adventures you need to have, now is as good a time as any to put them into practice.


June 22-July 23


The Sun is in fiery Leo. The Moon is in feisty Aries. Your waters are probably smouldering. Lay low and go slow.


July 24-Aug 23


The Aries Moon is encouraging you. Venus is filling you with passion. The Sun is showering you with smiles.


Aug 24-Sep 23


Mercury has just found his way into Virgo. This gives you back your sense of intellectual acuity. It also keeps you centred.


Sep 24-Oct 23


The Aries Moon makes you prone to being goaded. Don’t react if pushed. Rely on the depth of your love and understanding.


Oct 24-Nov 22


The Sun is in fiery Leo. The Moon is in fiery Aries. Scorpions are not fond of being surrounded by fire. Go to your safe place.


Nov 23-Dec 21


With the Sun in Leo, and the Moon in Aries, you are keen to join in the adventure fiesta. Instead, you are restless at home.


Dec 22-Jan 20


Saturn and Venus are having a good time. Saturn and the Sun aren’t. Ego is not cutting the ice. Love is finding a way.


Jan 21-Feb 19


Mercury in Virgo is keeping you honest. He is making sure you think your actions through. This is an appropriate intervention.


Feb 20-March 20


Venus in Leo is working with Saturn to protect your ardour from extraneous and ego-driven interference. Be wise in love.

The flavour of the day:

Think of past wins, no matter how low-key. They will remind you what you are capable of.

Your birthday message:

The Aries Moon fills your day with fun, adventure and noise. Don’t fall prey to anyone who wants to put a dampener on it.

Key: ★★ Challenging ★★★ Encouraging ★★★★ Excellent

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