
WA Police body cameras capture guns, knives and high drama

Joey Catanzaro7NEWS
VideoFirst look at body cameras used by police

Two months after body cameras were rolled out across Perth police have praised the initiative, saying the devices will save court time and make their work easier.

The cameras don’t film constantly. They can be controlled with the press of a button or start automatically if officers draw their gun.

The quality of the new cameras is intentionally dialled down.

They are supposed to replicate what police officers can see when they're on the beat.

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Everything the cameras capture is uploaded when they're plugged in to charge to ensure nothing can be deleted.

More body cameras will be delivered across the state this week, including in the Pilbara.

All frontline officers across the state are set to receive body cameras
Camera IconAll frontline officers across the state are set to receive body cameras

The Library nightclub wall collapse was one of the first incidents to be captured when the program started in June.

Acting Inspector Roy Newland said the camera was like an “independent witness” that would make it easier to store evidence.

"The courts or a jury for example, doesn't see anything except what the officers sees, with his own eye,” he said.

"The cameras are out there, and they will continue to be deployed to every frontline police officer in the state, and we will see what you do."

Police Minister Michelle Roberts said "some 600 body camera have been rolled out to police so far, and they're proving to be very useful.”

"The potential in saving on court time is really significant," she said.

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