
US judge rejects moving Chauvin trial

Jonathan AllenAAP
Judge Peter Cahill (pictured) has denied Derek Chauvin's request to delay or move his trial.
Camera IconJudge Peter Cahill (pictured) has denied Derek Chauvin's request to delay or move his trial.

The judge in the murder trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged in the death of George Floyd, has denied Chauvin's request to delay or move his trial out of the county.

Chauvin's lead lawyer, Eric Nelson, has complained to the court that publicity around the trial has tainted the jury pool in and around Minneapolis, not least the city's announcement last week it would pay Floyd's relatives $US27 million ($A35 million) to settle their wrongful-death lawsuit.

Hennepin County District Judge Peter Cahill ruled against Chauvin from the bench on Friday, saying that delaying or moving the trial would make it no easier to seat an impartial jury.

"I don't think there's any place in the state of Minnesota that has not been subjected to extreme amounts of publicity in this case," Cahill said.

The judge, however, partially granted a separate request by Chauvin to show the jury evidence of an earlier episode in which Floyd was arrested by police.

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That occurred about a year before Chauvin held his knee for about nine minutes on the neck of a handcuffed, prone Floyd on May 25, 2020.

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