
Rockingham bushfire: Bushfire warning downgraded to advice act as firefighters strengthen containment lines

Headshot of Jessica Evensen
Jessica EvensenThe West Australian
An out-of-control bushfire in Port Kennedy has been downgraded to a watch and act alert as firefighters battle the blaze with backburning operations.
Camera IconAn out-of-control bushfire in Port Kennedy has been downgraded to a watch and act alert as firefighters battle the blaze with backburning operations. Credit: Main Roads WA

A bushfire that started near homes in Port Kennedy, destroying more than 40 hectares of bushland, has been downgraded to an advice act as firefighters work to strengthen containment lines.

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services downgraded the emergency warning for residents bound by La Estrada Way, Ennis Ave, Port Kennedy Drive and Warnbro Sound Avenue in Port Kennedy in the City of Rockingham on Tuesday evening.

The bushfire was first reported at 1.38pm on Tuesday afternoon, but was declared “contained and under control” by about 8pm.

A DFES spokesperson confirmed there were no reports of structural damage.

“There is a lot of smoke in the area,” DFES said.

“Stay alert and monitor your surroundings.

“Watch for signs of a bushfire, especially smoke and flames.”

Waterbombers and up to 60 ground crews are on the scene actively working to fight the blaze.

A number of roads including Port Kennedy Drive between Bakewell Drive and Ennis Avenue and Ennis Avenue between Royal Palm Drive and Mandurah Drive have been closed.

A bushfire advice warning is also in place for residents west of Bakewell Drive and east of Warnbro Sound Avenue in Port Kennedy in the City of Rockingham.

“Stay alert and monitor your surroundings,” DFES said.

“Read through bushfire plan and decide what you will do if the situation gets worse.”

DFES also downgraded a bushfire warning for parts of the City of Wanneroo after firefighters contained a blaze in Perth’s northern suburbs about 7.30pm on Tuesday evening.

The department told residents in areas bound by Tomar Road, Perry Road and Old Yanchep Road in parts of Pinjar and Yanchep in the City of Wanneroo to “take care”.

“The threat of the fire has reduced however you should take care in the area,” a spokesperson said.

“Stay alert for potential dangers such as smoke and fallen trees and power poles.”

A bushfire advice warning is also in place for residents in parts of the City of Wanneroo.
Camera IconA bushfire advice warning is also in place for residents in parts of the City of Wanneroo. Credit: Emergency WA

The fire — which was first reported at 1.32pm on Tuesday — is contained and under control.

Firefighters are still monitoring the area.

The cause of the fire is unknown.

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