Bunbury sport centre solar panels ready

JORDAN McARDLESouth Western Times

The South West Sports Centre’s solar heating project will be ready for use following two weeks of testing, according to team leader Dave Russell.

The Royalties for Regions funded project consists of 240 solar panels and will make the centre more environmentally friendly as well as reducing heating costs.

It was originally scheduled to finish at the end of February, but a lengthy delay on a heat exchanger from Europe meant it could not be completed until this month.

Mr Russell said installation was finished and the project is about two weeks away from the official handover.

‘‘The practical completion of the system has been completed,’’ Mr Russell said.


‘‘All plant room electrical installations, heat exchangers and circulation pumps are functioning.

‘‘The system is operational for both the competition pool and the leisure pool as designed.

‘‘Commissioning and testing of the system started yesterday with consultants Norman Disney and Young to make sure the system is performing as per the tender specifications for a twoweek period.’’

The centre will use the solar panels to heat its indoor pools, with the evacuated glass tubes set to generate about 550KW of energy per day.

The panels are designed to convert solar energy as well as UV light, so even on an overcast day, the panels will be in use.

The circular tubes are up to 80 per cent more efficient than flat plate collectors which are more commonly used in Australia.

Mr Russell said the centre was excited about the possible outcomes of the solar heating once it is in full use.

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