
Drive and text? Don't even think about it

JESSICA PORTERSouth Western Times

Police are warning drivers to keep their eyes on the road at all times to prevent them from causing crashes and being charged with careless driving.

This week, during Operation Promise, South West police are targeting inattentive drivers who may not realise they are doing anything wrong but who could potentially be putting the lives of other motorists at risk.

South West District Police Supt Lawrence Panaia said inattentive drivers were careless and the main cause of road crashes.

He said there was one group of drivers who were at a higher risk of distraction and inattention — young female drivers.

‘‘I saw one girl while I was on my way to police Schoolies talking on her mobile phone while driving at 130kmh,’’ Supt Panaia said.

Young female drivers can be distracted in a range of ways, including searching for items in a handbag, changing a CD or using an MP3 device, putting on makeup or drinking.

But the most common distraction, according to Supt Panaia, is mobile phones.

‘‘It’s a reflection of society, there are just more mobile phones out there, which is why it has a specific category in legislation,’’ he said.

South West Traffic officer-incharge Sgt Gerard Murphy said he had seen many car crashes caused by mobile phones.

‘‘There was a guy in Collie who was texting on his mobile phone and ran up the back of a parked car,’’ Sgt Murphy said.

‘‘Then there was a P-plater who was riding a moped and texting, as well as being drunk.’’

Supt Panaia said no matter what the distraction, drivers not thinking about driving and keeping their eyes on the road were in danger of causing harm.

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