Gallery: Surf club honours best

South Western Times
Camera IconJohn Halbert and Debbie Bennetts, both of Queensland, and club members Paul Smaniotto, Diane Kelly and Karen Smaniotto. Credit: South Western Times

City of Bunbury Surf Life Saving Club honoured its members and volunteers at their annual awards night recently.

Charlotte Banks was the major winner on the night, leaving with the prestigious Doug McGhie Patrol Lifesaver of the Year award and Michael Kavanagh was awarded the Rod Killerby Memorial Shield as the Most Enthusiastic Cadet.

The Tony and Julie Snelling Education and Training award was presented to Gary Carthew while Phillip and Julie Best were the recipients of the Glen Morton Best Club Member award.

Pictures from the event:

Camera IconClub members Belinda Stagman, Lorraine Crook and Jill Thompson. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconClub members Jeff Scott, Courtney Smaniotto and Phillip Best. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconClub director Richard Banks with his wife Charlotte. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconClub members Graham Cole and Anita Hope. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconClub members Julie Bain and Erin Van Noort. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconJulie Lawrence and Jan Pederson, representing the Chefs' Long Table Lunch. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconCity of Bunbury Surf Life Saving Club vice-president Julie Best, president Denise Duncan and South West MLC Adele Farina. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconClub members Kanella Hope and her daughter Lucy, 11, and Denise Haffner. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconEmily Doddy, Charlotte Banks, director of life saving Richard Banks and director of house Adrian Doddy. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconAdele Peters, of Bunbury, and club member Mathew Peters. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconClub members Luka Coulson, 14, Michael Kavanagh, 14, and Mac Diggins, 13. Credit: South Western Times
Camera IconClub members Ebony Trigwell, Matt Duncan and Nicky and Kelby Murray. Credit: South Western Times

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