Campbell Reeves and Gia Repton, both of Perth. Picture: Ailish Delaney/South Western Times
Val Robinson and Elizabeth Watkins, both of Perth. Picture: Ailish Delaney/South Western Times
Andrew and Rachel Meers, of Donnybrook. Picture: Ailish Delaney/South Western Times
Sarah Smith, Michelle Daniels and Michelle Wiseman, all of Donnybrook, enjoying the Donnybrook Food and Wine Festival long table lunch. Picture: Ailish Delaney/South Western Times
Robin and Joe Bellegarde, of Bicton. Picture: Ailish Delaney/South Western Times
Vickie Cain and Ann Clifford, both of Donnybrook, and Alison Comparti, of Bunbury. Picture: Ailish Delaney/South Western Times