Mens basketball results: Tornadoes blow competition away

Holly PrenticeBunbury Herald
Camera IconTornadoes Reds Brodie Morris and Eaton Eagles Jacob MacLeod-Paterson and Lachlan Galbraith. Credit: Jon Gellweiler

Tornadoes Black beat Aces White on Friday night by a comfortable margin of 101-83.

The game started as a close contest, with Tornadoes Black only able to spread the margin out to seven points at quarter-time.

The second quarter saw some choice shooting from Aces Whites Ben Lawler, but that wasn’t enough to stop the domination from Tornadoes Black, leading at the half-time break 54-40.

Some last-minute offence from Aces White was not enough to close the final 18-point margin.

Highlights included Tornadoes Black’s Travis McNaughton who had some consistent two-point shots, and Aces White’s Trent Faulkner with the most three-point-shots of the game.


The next round sees both double-ups in franchise sides with Tornadoes Black against Tornadoes Red on Tuesday night, while Aces White take on Aces Sky.

Tornadoes Red continued their run of wins, beating the Eaton Eagles by 40 points on Friday night.

After a slow start from the Eaton Eagles — not scoring until just before the seven-minute mark — Jacob MacLeod-Paterson got the ball rolling for the Eagles who trailed Tornadoes Red by only eight points at quarter-time.

Thar margin grew to 18 points by half-time thanks to some all-round offensive pressure from Tornadoes Red.

The third-quarter saw domination from a stellar Mitchell Hough who scored 14 points to help push Tornadoes Reds’ lead out to 28 points at the end of the quarter.

A massive 35-point quarter from Tornadoes Red against a 21-point quarter from Eaton Eagles saw the final score sit at 127-87.

Jacob MacLeod-Paterson was massive, scoring 44 points for Eaton Eagles, with eight three-point shots, the most of the game.

Tornadoes Red will face stablemates Tornadoes Black on Tuesday night, while the still winless Eaton Eagles will face-off against second-placed Bulls Gold.

Bulls Gold won by forfeit against Bulls Maroon, resulting in the first technical loss Bulls Maroon have received all season. They now sit only one game clear at the top of the ladder.

The Conquerors v Aces Sky match did not take place due to the sides having heavy involvement in the Barry Cameron Memorial Basketball Carnival in Perth, with the Bunbury Basketball Association announcing this game will be rescheduled.

Camera IconTornadoes Reds Brodie Morris and Eaton Eagles Jacob MacLeod-Paterson and Lachlan Galbraith. Credit: Jon Gellweiler
Camera IconTornadoes Reds Jack Flynn. Credit: Jon Gellweiler
Camera IconTornadoes Reds Mitchell Hough. Credit: Jon Gellweiler
Camera IconEaton Eagles Bodey Bishop and Tornadoes Reds Jaydon Wilson and Connor Silvester. Credit: Jon Gellweiler
Camera IconJacob MacLeod-Paterson was massive, scoring 44 points for Eaton Eagles. Credit: Jon Gellweiler
Camera IconAces Whites Leith McWhirter and Tornadoes Blacks Kent Philjay Placente. Credit: Jon Gellweiler
Camera IconTornadoes Whites Gavin Deacon and Tornadoes Blacks Luc Perkins. Credit: Jon Gellweiler
Camera IconAces Whites Tyson Jacob and Tornadoes Blacks Cameron Raper. Credit: Jon Gellweiler
Camera IconAces Whites Leith McWhirter and Tornadoes Blacks Callum Heap. Credit: Jon Gellweiler

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