Picture Gallery: Saucy magic show strips tricks bare

South Western Times

An impressive crowd headed to the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre last month to be spellbound by the saucy magic tricks of The Naked Magicians.

At their first stop of a national tour, the cheeky duo provided plenty of laughs and mayhem as they took magic to a whole new R-rated level.

The boys stripped away the top hats and capes, proving good magicians do not need sleeves and great magicians do not need pants.

Pictures from the event:

Camera IconMichelle Spargo and Kirsty Hoffmeyer, of Bunbury.
Camera IconWendy Lewis, of Adelaide, and Ian and Jan Clarke, of Busselton.
Camera IconAnastasia Wood and Joanna Newman, both of Bunbury.
Camera IconJorja Goff and Chelsea Langford, both of Australind.
Camera IconCorina McLaren and Felicity O’Driscoll, both of Bunbury.
Camera IconPaula Jeffery and Beryl Meyers, both of Busselton.
Camera IconRade and Denise Ristovic, both of Bunbury.
Camera IconJemma Haldane and Rhanni Stobbie, both of Busselton.
Camera IconKaren Clarke and Karen Keohane, both of Bunbury.

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