Rachel Norman: challenging the norm in cricket

Mitchell WoodcockSouth Western Times

It is not unusual to see Rachel Norman teaching the next generation of cricketers.

But it is less known that the work of the Western Australian Cricket Association South West regional cricket manager is not limited to cricket.

The 25-year-old has a passion for sport and volunteering and every Thursday she coaches people with disabilities at the Bunbury Indoor Cricket Centre as part of the WA iSports.

She is also on the committee and is part of its leadership program.

“It started when we had a multi-sports day at Hay Park,” Rachel said.


“From then I just fell in love with the organisation and the people who were involved.”

Rachel challenges preconceptions about what constitutes a cricket fan and admits the sport was not her first choice.

But after finishing her teaching degree at ECU Bunbury, she successfully applied for the job of the region’s cricket manager and has never looked back.

“I was more of a football and netball girl,” Rachel said.

“I fell in love with the game pretty quick though when I did some work with the WACA during my degree.

“It just happened that the job was open here when I came back and I chose that path instead.”

Rachel gets a lot of satisfaction from helping and educating just about anyone, but teaching the younger generation is what she enjoys the most.

“I am sort of the first person who gets in there and helps out,” she said.

Rachel admits working in the male-dominated sport of cricket was difficult at first.

“When I first started it was a challenge to change the norm in cricket in the South West,” she said.

“But with the support that I had, it was easy to be myself – be that character both in and outside of the office.

“I think everyone has got used to the pink hair and the wild ideas now.

“I would love to (one day) go into facilitation and education in the same industry.”

Rachel grew up on a farm just outside of Boyanup, riding motorcycles and driving tractors, but now prefers to spend her days exercising and performing on aerial silks.

“I grew up around animals and having all that space. I had the freedom,” she said.

Rachel said sport was a big part of her life, both professionally and recreationally.

“As soon as I finish work I go play more sport,” she said.

“I love the teamwork and then there is the lifestyle of being in sport.

“You meet new people and focus on getting healthier both physically and mentally.”

Rachel is the consummate professional and it is her drive to learn more about her industry which keeps her motivated.

“I try to learn something new every year,” she said.

“Last year I learnt about nutrition and this year I am doing my Certificate IV in fitness.

“Educating myself is something I always do. It is all sort of related to fitness.

“I love learning new things and different ways to do things.”

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