Dean Alston cartoon. Fringe world 2021. Premier Mark McGowan is acting out the role of a lion tamer at a Fringe World show. He holds a chair in one hand and a whip in the other as he fights of coronavirus'. In the audience is Clive Palmer and Zak Kirkup. Clive Palmer asks "What do you think?" Zak Kirkup answers "I could do better!" Mark McGowan instructs "Stay! ..... Staaay!" Credit: Dean Alston/The West Australian
Signed Alston prints are available, framed or unframed, from or by phoning 9482 2378.
Dean Alston cartoon: Twitter bird escapes.
Donald Trump has been banned Twitter. A blue bird is escaping though an open window and Trump is telling a pigeon "Right, pigeon ... you've got 88 million messages to deliver ... get busy!" Credit: Dean Alston/The West AustralianDean Alston cartoon. Clive Palmer in the wild west. Clive Palmer is riding into town, his poor horse is gasping for air as it supports the rider's weight. A coronavirus is peeking out of a saddlebag. Sheriff Mark McGowan says "State your business then git outta town, Mister!" Clive Palmer says "I'm here to do a deal with the Kirkup Gang!" Zak Kirkup replies "No deals, hombre..... we can handle the Sheriff!" Credit: Dean Alston/The West AustralianDean Alston cartoon. Premier Mark McGowan is giving a speech in front of a mining truck. He says "We favour an elimination strategy for Covid...... and for the opposition! Heh, heh......" Credit: Dean Alston/The West AustralianDean Alston cartoon. Trump's Last Stand. Donald Trump shouts "All together men!" as arrows rain down on him. His MAGA supporters are running away. Credit: Dean Alston/The West AustralianDean Alston cartoon. Fringe Festival 2021. The Don & Nancy show! Donald Trump is lying in a box, being sawn in half and says "Hey..... If you don't like our show, just storm the box office!" Nancy Pelosi says "Ha, ha, impeach! impeach!" Credit: Dean Alston/The West Australian
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