Carnarvon detectives are appealing for the public’s help as they investigate a robbery and assault that left a man with head injuries.
Staff reporter
A 46-year-old man in Carnarvon has been charged with a series of offences, including stalking, making threats, burglary with intent and trespassing.
The Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation has closed its doors in Carnarvon, with the organisation saying it was not viable to continue having an office in the area.
Matthew Paddick
Elevated sea temperatures that have caused widespread environmental devastation along the Ningaloo Reef have been detected as far as 300 metres below sea level in some areas.
Josephine Hingst
The Shire of Carnarvon has declared a vote of no-confidence in the State and Federal governments for their handling of vulnerable children across regional WA.
Merome Beard said the alleged theft of her car in Carnarvon ahead of early polls opening on Monday is another example of how more needs to be done to curb juvenile crime.
Forrest mining offshoot Wyloo Metals has called off a $220m debt arrangement with Hastings Technology Metals in exchange for majority ownership of its half-built rare earths operation in the Gascoyne.
Simone Grogan
Ever dreamt of an outback change and running a pub in one of the most remote parts of the State?
Urgent government action is needed, with parts of the much-loved Ningaloo Reef on “red alert”, damaged by widespread coral bleaching, conservationists warn.
Kate Campbell
Candidates for the Mid West have had their say on the Nationals’ pledge to restore Carnarvon’s maternity service within 100 days, with both the Labor and Liberal parties saying the time line is “unrealistic”.
Exmouth celebrated Australia Day with community spirit, recognising outstanding community contributions, welcoming new Australian citizens, and cooling off in the pool with a sausage in hand.
The WA Nationals have vowed to restore maternity services to the Carnarvon Hospital, and do so within their first 100 days should they be elected to government in 2025.
A 77-year-old woman has died at the base of one of the Gascoyne region’s most notorious hiking trails in extreme heat up to 47C on Sunday.
Australia Day celebrations brought out some of the best in the community across the Mid West-Gascoyne region.
Matthew Paddick and Jessica Moroney
The WA Liberal Party will invest more than $9 million over four years to establish a night safe space for youth in the Gascoyne town of Carnarvon if elected to government.
Jessica Moroney
Carnarvon State Emergency Service volunteers will benefit from a $775,000 investment to improve emergency service resources and equipment in the region.
Pastoralists in the Murchison and Gascoyne are expected to benefit from the latest round of Southern Rangelands Revitalisation Program grants to help build stronger, more sustainable businesses.
Police continue to battle rising youth crime in the Gascoyne town of Carnarvon, after a group of six juveniles drove a stolen Toyota HiLux to Geraldton.
Carnarvon resident Larry Freeman has spoken out after his wife Lynne was allegedly chased down by a stolen car six times during her morning walk, claiming crime in the Gascoyne town is “out of control”.
The 2024 road toll almost doubled the previous year’s, with 13 people losing their lives on Mid West-Gascoyne roads.
The tender to replace a major tourism attraction in the Gascoyne will not be released until later this year, leaving visitors unable to access close-up views of rare stromatolite formations for four years.
Two Carnarvon men caught catching and cooking undersized mud crabs in protected mangroves in the Gascoyne have been fined a combined $6800 and handed a court order to forfeit the fishing gear.
Officers from Perth’s Liquor Enforcement Unit were deployed to various Mid West towns including Geraldton, Carnarvon and Kalbarri for a five-day blitz earlier this month.
Jessica Evensen
As we head into 2025, I’d like to thank you for your support as the member for North West Central.
Merome Beard North West Central MLA
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